Our journey to a plastic-free lifestyle

- As featured on Ocean Spirit

Hi, I’m Helen - one half of Coconuts and Camels. We are a UK based travel couple and lifestyle bloggers currently exploring Europe in our spare time, whilst also trying to cut down our plastic footprint and work towards living a plastic-free life!

Full interview with Ocean Spirit can be viewed online here.


Through my travels, I have always been passionate about the environment and natural world but in July 2019 I decided to take part in the Marine Conservation Society’s plastic challenge as part of my work's corporate charity activities. I spent a month learning about different ways I could cut down my plastic waste, as well as the importance of it for the natural world. Since then, I have continued with this aim which has now become a personal passion of mine.

Over the past couple of years, we have watched numerous documentaries on the planet and the current environmental issues, which has just fuelled me more to live plastic free! However, it can be overwhelming at times, as to whether you’re always doing the “right” thing and demoralising when others around you don’t fully understand the importance behind leading a more sustainable life. So it’s great to see more up and coming brands like Ocean Spirit putting sustainability at the forefront of their offer!



Number one would be ditching the one-use plastic bottles for a reusable water bottle! I literally don’t go anywhere without it. I used to be embarrassed to ask cafes or restaurants to refill my water bottle, but then I realised how silly it is to keep buying bottles of water - not only in terms of the huge amount of plastic waste but actually that it’s a waste of money too! Now I also use the Refill app which shows you free drinking water stations that you can use. And from my travels around Asia, I’ve also realised how lucky we are here in the UK to have FREE clean drinking water - It’s crazy to think that people don’t make the most of it.


Second would be opting for packaging free solid toiletry bars. There are so many great options out there now for shampoo, conditioner, face wash etc. but Lush is my all-time favourite due to their amazing range of "naked" toiletry products!


I also stopped using make-up remover wipes and disposable cotton wool pads. I replaced these with a reusable cotton cloth and cleanser bar to remove my make-up - and would 100% recommend it! Not only do they take up more room in your luggage when travelling, but they aren’t good for the environment either!


Another easy one is using a reusable tote bag instead of buying plastic bags each time. I always have at least one on me in my bag, just in case I buy something when I’m out and about. Plus, those 10p's really do add up.


I also recently switched to shopping at my local farm shop, where I can buy all loose fruit and vegetables, which has dramatically helped reduce our plastic waste from our food shops.

Full interview with Ocean Spirit can be viewed online here.


Ocean Spirit is a London based premium swimwear label combining style, simplicity & sustainability. Our swimwear collection is only available online, which helps us to minimise the costs in order to offer our premium pieces at an affordable price. As we care about sustainability, we keep limited stock to minimise any potential waste.




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